
JEDCO’s Marketing Strategy: An Interview with our Director of Marketing & Innovation

At JEDCO, every employee has a role to play. Kelsey Scram, our Director of Marketing & Innovation, is tasked with developing and implementing our Marketing & Public Relations strategy. She helps us to spread the good news about the impressive work that JEDCO does every single day through storytelling, event planning, media outreach, advertising, and more.

She was invited onto Briefly, a new local marketing podcast hosted by Luke Jones, the Principal & Founder of Toucan Advertising. Kelsey and Luke talked about JEDCO’s marketing strategy, success stories, and maintaining brand authenticity. Take a listen!



Toucan Advertising was the 2018 JEDCO Challenge marketing sponsor. Luke served as a panelist for the JEDCO Challenge Pitch Prep sessions and has been a wonderful advocate for JEDCO since launching his business.
