
Jefferson Parish Pulse: Habitat for Humanity

On this episode of the Jefferson Parish Pulse powered by JEDCO, we feature an interview with Marguerite Oestreicher, Executive Director of the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity. Margurite and her team are driving new and impactful projects across Jefferson Parish. Habitat for Humanity, with support from its many partners, volunteers and donors, is helping to improve housing stock in the area and creating opportunities to make dreams of safe, affordable home ownership possible for more of our residents.

Marguerite and talked about several major Habitat for Humanity projects happening in Jefferson Parish right now as well as the urgency surrounding the rebuild in Jean Lafitte, the power of partnerships, and how housing and economic development are directly tied together.

CLICK HERE more information about New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity.

Email Marguerite Oestreicher at

CLICK HERE to learn more about JEDCO.

Feel free to listen to the full interview below (or you can click here). You can also hear us anywhere you listen to your podcasts, including Apple PodcastsSpotify and Stitcher. We would LOVE your feedback. Please send your thoughts, questions and show requests to Kelsey Scram at


