Business & Tax Incentives

Louisiana Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program

The Louisiana Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program, created by the Legislature in 2021 for certain business that hire ire re-entrants participating in work release programs. It provides a 5% income tax credit on wages paid to eligible re-entrants, with a cap of $2,500 per business per eligible re-entrant. The credit shall be earned upon certification by an eligible business that … Read more »

Youth Jobs Tax Credit

The Youth Jobs Tax Credit was created by the 2021 Legislature for companies that hires eligible youth between the ages of 16 and 23 years old. The program objective is to prioritize youth, get them tangible skills, reduce crime and encourage them to stay in Louisiana. The credit will be $1,250 for each youth in a full-time position and $750.00 … Read more »

Ports of Louisiana Tax Credit

The Ports of Louisiana tax credits, including an investor tax credit and an import-export cargo tax credit, to encourage private investment in and the use of state port facilities in Louisiana. It provides a tax credit of 72% of total capital costs of qualified port projects, to be taken at rate of 5% per year against income and franchise tax … Read more »

Growing Louisiana Imports Tax Credit

The Growing Louisiana Imports Tax Credit was created by the 2021 Legislature to promote trade opportunities in Louisiana. The credit encourages the utilization of Louisiana public port facilities for cargo imports and the development of new port infrastructure facilities for the manufacturing, distribution, and warehousing of imported goods. The incentives apply against income tax liability. The tax credit is not … Read more »

Angel Investor Tax Credit

Provides a refundable tax credit for early stages of investment in Louisiana-based start-up businesses by allowing an accredited investor to receive a 35% tax credit, divided into portions of 10% annually for five years, on personal income or corporate franchise tax liabilities owed to the state. Additional information is available at the Louisiana Department of Economic Development website. Read more »

Research & Development Tax Credit

The R&D tax credit encourages Louisiana businesses to invest in and increase their existing levels of R&D by offering tax credits against state income and corporation franchise taxes. Read more »

Entertainment Industry Tax Credits

Louisiana offers tax incentive programs designed to encourage motion picture, sound recording, musical and theatrical, and digital interactive media production in our state. Read more »

Inventory Tax Credit Program

Established in 1991, this program allows ad valorem taxes levied on business inventories to be credited toward state income and corporate franchise taxes. Manufacturers, distributors and retailers are eligible to receive a 100 percent credit of local inventory taxes paid. Read more »

Manufacturing Sales Tax Exemption

The exclusion for manufacturing machinery and equipment reduces the taxable sales prices for purchased equipment. A manufacturer in Jefferson Parish can qualify for a 4.25% exclusion from local and use taxes on the cost of qualified manufacturing equipment used directly in the actual manufacturing process in a plant facility located in Jefferson Parish. Read more »

Restoration Tax Abatement Program

Commercial property owners and homeowners who expand, restore or improve an existing structure located in a Downtown Development District, Economic Development District or Historic District may qualify to have the ad valorem property taxes on substantial renovations and improvements deferred for up to 10 years. Jefferson Parish has several economic development districts on the east and west banks. Read more »

Industrial Tax Exemption Program

The Industrial Property Tax Exemption abates, up to ten years, local property taxes (ad valorem) on a manufacturer’s new investment and annual capitalized additions. This exemption applies to all improvements to the land, buildings, machinery, equipment and any other property that is part of the manufacturing process. The land itself is not eligible for tax exemption. Read more »

Quality Jobs Program

The Quality Jobs Program provides both payroll and sales/use tax rebates to encourage businesses to locate or expand in Louisiana. Read more »

Enterprise Zone Program

The Enterprise Zone Program provides Louisiana income and corporate franchise tax credits to businesses creating net new permanent jobs. Fifty percent of all net new hires must meet at least one of four certification requirements. Read more »

Opportunity Zone

The Opportunity Zone program is a new community and economic development tool established by Congress that allows investments in certain economically distressed communities to be eligible for preferential tax treatment. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created a new community development program that encourages private investment in qualified opportunity zones. The program allows taxpayers to defer and reduce gain … Read more »
